Yesterday morning, while enjoying a steaming hot cup of
coffee on the back patio before the humidity became unbearable, I decided to
pick some tomatoes and cucumbers for dinner.
While collecting the perfectly ripened fruits of the Summer Sweet
tomatoes, I noticed one of the plants was missing quite a few leaves off the
top. At first, I figured it was my
fault, as I accidentally bent the top of one of the stems a week ago while
trying to chop down the weeds growing behind the raised beds and had to cut the
stem. But then, I saw it – damning evidence
of the dreaded tomato hornworm.
These disgusting, grenade shaped droppings are a telltale
sign of a tomato hornworm eating its way up and down the plant. They can be found on top of the leaves and
around the bottom of the plant and, combined with missing and/or chewed leaves,
clearly indicate an unwanted pest in the garden.
Tomato hornworms can be found almost anywhere in the US
and can quickly devour tomato plants.
They are up to 5 inches long and are pale green with black markings,
eight white “v” shapes across their back, and a horn-like protrusion on the
end. Two summers ago I had my first
encounter with tomato hornworms and it only took a minute to find the perpetrator.
Now, there are some people (like my father) who will break
out the pesticides and spray away. I am
actively against using chemicals in my garden, particularly for pest control,
but will occasionally spray some horticultural oil around if I can’t spend another
minute picking aphids off of leaves. Tomato hornworms are easily eradicated by
pulling on a pair of gardening gloves, pulling (sometimes with force) the
hornworm off the plant, and dropping it into a container of soapy water. I also find that a little bit of squealing
like a schoolchild and hopping from foot to foot helps to kill the suckers (or
calm my nerves after dealing with the creepy crawly).
Today I found a second hornworm on a different tomato
plant in the other raised bed. I did
another careful inspection of all of the tomato plants and didn’t see any more,
but for the next few weeks this will be a daily activity to ensure the
hornworms don’t destroy the tomato plants.